Sunday, May 9, 2010

FYI - About Spaying & Stomach Torsion

If you will be spaying your mastiff, vets now have a procedure that they can perform at the same time to attach the stomach in a way to prevent it from flipping. Any stomach torsion worries would be put to rest. Thanks for the new information Angelique.

Stomach torsion is a common issues in large deep chested dogs. The perfect recipe for bloating is when a dog engulfs his/her food quickly, gulps a bunch of water and then adds vigorous exercise after it all...(

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soooo much for posting this. I didn't know that they could do that and that is a huge worry for us since that is what happened to our 4 year old mastiff that we lost last summer. She wasn't even exercising after eating and it still happened to her. Was a horrible, sad day for us. We miss her so much. We're really looking forward to coming to pick out our puppy :o) Thanks for posting more pictures!
