Sunday, May 23, 2010

Some Things You Need to Purchase When Getting Ready for Your New Mastiff

It's an exciting time searching for your new mastiff puppy.  Once you've found the puppy for you, you'll need to make some side purchases before bringing him or her home.  Here are some items I recommend:

  • An extra large dog crate (it has to be extra large because this breed is extra large and they should be able to stretch out, sit and stand comfortably.  I recommend the all metal ones as I made the mistake of purchasing a plastic one and a mastiff will easily chew through it when it wants out - besides, you can save money purchasing an all metal crate).
  • Bed or Blankets (We will be sending a baby blanket home with your mastiff so he/she has something familar in their crate.  I've used both beds & blankets, but have gotten smarter over the years and use blankets now because they're just so much easier to keep clean.  Also, in our living room I have a blanket spread on the floor because mastiffs love to sleep on something, not just a rug.  A crib mastress works too if you plan on letting your mastiff sleep in your bedroom & it can easily slide under your bed).
  • Dishes (Stainless steel- mastiff can get dog acne and if you use stainless steal dishes you'll minimize this).
  • Dog Collar - Adjustable (our mastiff puppies will come with a collar, so this can wait if you wanted).
  • Leash (when leash training your mastiff, the shorter leash is better).
  • Lots of chew toys (make sure they're quality & while they may cost more they will last longer.  We will be sending the puppies home with one toy).
  • Puppy Chow (we will provide 1 small bag of puppy chow with your mastiff. If you plan on using a different type of puppy food it's important you wean the puppy off the chow and onto the new food.  Also, only while your mastiff is a puppy does it need extra protien, but once an adult do not feed your mastiff high protein dog food).
  • Drool Towels (Dish towels will work fine.  For the first 6 months drool isn't much of an issue because their lips are small, but once they start dropping you'll need a handful because mastiffs drool a lot.  They will drool while good food is cooking and after they've drank some water.  If the drool isn't wiped they become slingers).
  • Puddle/Potty Pads (I can't think of the brand I'm using at the moment, but if I don't post it later it will come in your puppy's folder).
I think that about sums it up.  If I there's anything else, I'll add it later.

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